Kids' Gymnastics Facility Opens in Prospect Lefferts Gardens
It’s been four years since Brooklyn native Mina Marsow brought Prospect Gymnastics to the local comm
It’s been four years since Brooklyn native Mina Marsow brought Prospect Gymnastics to the local comm
Golden Harvest Food Pantry and the Northeast Brooklyn Housing Development Corporation (NEBHDCo) will
TradeZero America, a Brooklyn-based online broker dealer headquartered in Industry City, has launche
Baking enthusiasts, grab your aprons! Plum & Honey, a new culinary studio and event space, is now op
A Girls Who Code Club has launched in Bedford-Stuyvesant for girls in grades 3-5 who would like to l
In an effort to combat the landfill waste produced by the fashion industry and to promote sustainabi
Lemonade Day Brooklyn, which is affiliated with the Lemonade Day national youth entrepreneurship pro
Parachute Brooklyn announces its grand opening in Greenpoint on May 18. The store offers lightly use
The Bija Project is hosting their second installment of Baby&Soul on Saturday, May 4 from 4-7pm. Bab
NIDO Forest School is the latest in a growing group of outdoor schools that have been founded in res
Grace Aluisa, now a senior at Bishop Kearney High School in Brooklyn, is an accomplished young perso
The Brooklyn Green School is now enrolling in North Crown Heights. The Brooklyn middle school has an
Massage DUMBO, Williamsburg, and Greenpoint are accepting new or gently-used coat donations in excha
Recognized as a 2018-2019 Jubilation Foundation Fellow for her excellence in bringing joy to childre
City Parks Foundation is offering a free, weekly instructional street hockey program for kids ages 8
Classical Remix Theatre Collective is performing a parody of Homer's The Odyssey on select dates Oct
MUSE Academy's doors opened on September 5 with a first day of school celebration of the inspiration
After 10 years of growing the beloved Hootenanny Art House on 15th Street, Pete Sinjin and Kira Smit
Following the successful programs in New Jersey, Houston and Mid-Atlantic, Cerebral Palsy Soccer (CP
YokeyPokey Virtual Reality (VR) Club opened last summer and is now offering birthday party and corpo
A free support group for parents of young children with social communication difficulties, ADHD, and
Cirque Us is back in town, this time, with some cosmic energy. The world of StarStruck: A Cosmic Cir
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