Davler Media-Parents Supports Opening Summer Camps at Maximum Safe Capacity
We believe all kids deserve our support and a chance to have a more traditional summer.
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CDC Statement
During the 2020 summer camp season, four Maine overnight camps with 1,022 attendees from 41 states and international locations implemented a multilayered prevention and mitigation strategy that was successful in identifying and isolating three asymptomatic COVID-19 cases and preventing secondary transmission.
We also know...
Camp owners, who are committed professionals, deeply care about children’s health and well-being. These dedicated businesspeople devote themselves to providing safe environments, ensuring the health of both campers and staff.
Parents who have been supporting their children in virtual learning environments at home need relief. The support from camps helps parents return to a more traditional adult life of dedicating themselves to their careers, maintaining their homes, and enjoying a more balanced emotional state.
If you agree that opening camps at the maximum safe capacity level is vital for this summer, join the New York Camp Parents 2021 Facebook Group. Offer a positive comment so that the entire camp community, including camp owners see your support. Invite your friends to join too. Share this on social media.
Let’s come together as a community. We believe all kids deserve our support and a chance to have a more traditional summer.